Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from NZ!

   Normally it would be a morning stumble out of bed to stuff the turkey so that it could be put in the oven and ready for us to dive into a large turkey dinner later in the day.   This year it was a Thanksgiving Thursday stumble out of bed for a 5am departure with friends for a fish and dive in the Bay.  Strapping on dive gear on a balmy day is a far cry from watching leaves (or snow) fall outside while we digest our meals and watch football inside.  But a new kind of abundance was found today.  Kingfish, scallops and crays (lobster).  Plenty of things for which to be thankful this year and every year.
    We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mullet is Gone. Replaced by a Whale.

   He missed the dinner and camping overnight on his school outing, but I don't think it bothered him.  The smile on his face tells the tale.  Outfished his dad and a near record for the boat.  Schnappa season is on in the Bay.  This is only the second snapper he has caught since being here in NZ.  Right in our new backyard.
21lb Snapper